Entering the Outer Mandala

Sharing an Enlightened Reality

The Outer Mandala are workshops and retreats where practitioners who have shown some proficiency in the Inner Mandala and have so transformed their karmic identity into the ultimate and divine One, use their skills to bring this realization in the relationship with each other and the environment. This is the test and the practice space for realized humans to relate with each other into the recognition of reality as and Enlightened Sacred Space.

The inner sensations, powers and energies learned trough the Inner Mandala are channeled and projected outwardly with group practices, involving tantric unions and reality perception rituals.

This is is the vanguard of the research project and more info will come as practitioners will progress to this stages.


Inner Mandala - The Blissful Certainty of Profound Union


Entering the Inner Mandala - Freedom from Inside Out