Inner Mandala - The Blissful Certainty of Profound Union

The Blissful Certainty of Profound Union is the third Alchemical Procedure taught in the Body Mandala Yoga Research Project and brings the teachings of the Inner Mandala to completion. The aim is to increase the Mother and Father Blissful Essences of the Subtle Vajra Body to an extent in which they start to merge into each other as a Single Essence.

The essences or “Tigles” are the specialty of Vajrayana Highest Yoga Tantra Inner Alchemy and are the root of the work in the Body Mandala Yoga Research Project.

The experience of the essences has various degree of intensity and stability: it pertains to experiences of warmth, pleasure, orgasm, joy, rapture, satisfaction, clarity, non-conceptuality and inner peace.

In this third alchemical procedure of the fusion of the 2 essences, the practitioners’ psycho-physical experience of inner heat and inner pleasure are linked into each other, in order to bring balance to the elements of the physical body, to integrate and harmonize all the extremes in the emotional landscape (especially male and female sides) and to discover the union of pure love and all encompassing space as the indestructible nature of the mind and of reality itself.

In practice, this technique is an Inner Yoga procedure that unfolds the experience of sexual union of the practitioner with him/herself. The innate warmth of the human body rises like a fire from the abdomen, while the inner juice of pleasure descends like nectar from the brain via the throat. This produces a special inner sexual sensation called “blazing and dripping” that instills a profound and orgasmic sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, confidence and completeness. Then this sensation is spread trough the entire body via particular energy pathways.

Found exclusively in Tibetan Tantric Inner Alchemy, this technique “mechanically” removes the search for external phenomena in order to acquire a sense of inner peace; it penetrates deep into the practitioners’ dimensions, anchoring in the physical body, the most dense one, the realization of their divine, complete and immortal nature, the most subtle one.

The core of the technique involves the practitioner to generate a double of him/herself as the opposite sex, and practice the secret yogic exercises in sexual union with it: this directly shows the experience of unification of the external and internal phenomena as one single and all encompassing space, unified with intense and compassionate warmth, clarity and blissfulness.

In a safe and sacred space, the module is taught in a retreat of minimum 6 days. The practitioners first engage in the various exercises learned in the first two modules. After, these are combined and new exercises are taught in combination with potent visual and energy projection techniques. As in all retreats of the Inner Mandala the participants are practicing by themselves, but in a circle as a mandala.

In learning this rare and extremely potent technique, the practitioners bring to completion the two other methods learnt in the first modules. They emerge as complete, satisfied and confident of their own nature and so they are ready for the more advanced tantric partner practices of the Outer Mandala.

The practice of the combination of the Fire-Mother Essence and the Water-Father Essence pertains to the discovery of types of inner pleasures and sensations that are the unification of ejaculatory and non-ejaculatory orgasms. This type of sensations are linked with rapture and ecstatic mystical states of direct perception and union with the Divine.

This inner sensations are awakened in a controlled way and then spread into the Subtle Vajra Body through the subtle channels and Chakras.

In Vajrayana Highest Yoga Tantra, different Chakra systems are used in relation of what kind of inner alchemical process the practitioners want to perform.

In this system working with the the 2 essences called “Blazing and Dripping”, the Heart Chakra, “the Wheel of Truth”, becomes the root of the practice.

As branches, all the six major Chakras are used: the two essences are fused, like 2 Deities embracing each other, in the center of each chakra. This opens the door to transcend and dissolve chakras and channels into the embrace of the ultimate essence: the certainty of the nature of reality as the loving union of the Womb of Space with the Bliss of Clarity.


Alchemical Essences - The radiant Incandescence of Blazing Bliss


Outer Mandala - Sharing an Enlightened Reality