Entering the Inner Mandala

Freedom from Inside Out

The inner and outer change, that is the aspiration of the individuals who study with the project, starts from within, by engaging in practices that work with the subtle body.

When the Subtle Vajra Body is activated and purified correctly with the right view, the practitioners spontaneously experience the warm and blissful realization of the Divine Nature of their reality experience. This “perception” is a type of non-conceptual understanding combined with intuition and compassionate wisdom that informs and brings clarity to the mundane thought-process.

A crucial component of this process is the freeing of the emotional landscape in a channeled manner. The various aspects of the practitioner’s emotional nature, from the most peaceful to the most wrathful, are free to find their own compassionate expressions: this brings a sense of subtle and profound peace, no matter the mood the practitioner is expressing.

The activation of the subtle Vajra Body brings energy, balance and strength into the physical elements of the body, so the practitioner experiences a better digestion, health and capacity to heal themselves and others.

The methods to activate the Subtle Vajra Body involve special physical exercises and movement, self massage and body manipulation combined with potent breathworks and energy visualizations.

The 3 main components of the subtle Vajra Body are:

  • The tsa: the energy channels

  • The lung: the wind currents of energy that flow inside the channels

  • The tigle: the warm and blissful essences that vibrate inside the wind currents

The essences are divided into 2 types: the Water-Father type, and the Fire-Mother type. The goal of the Vajrayana Inner Alchemy procedures is to activate and increase this inner blissful essences, which in turn are responsible for the spiritual, emotional and physical benefits.

This Essences are truly the specialty of the Vajrayana Inner Alchemy and working with them is the foundation of the Body Mandala Yoga Research Project.

By opening the channels and making the wind currents flowing deeper into them, the practitioner activates and experiences this inner blissful essences.

In the courses, retreats and workshops of the Body Mandala Yoga Research Project, the practitioner learns to recognize, awaken and increase the Water-Father Essence in the Level 1 module of the Inner Mandala.

They then proceed to recognize, awaken and increase the Fire Essence in the Level 2 module of the Inner Mandala.

In the Level 3 module of the Inner Mandala, the whole procedure is brought to completion by learning to activate, balance and unify the two blissful essences together.


Outer Mandala - Sharing an Enlightened Reality