Inner Mandala Level 2

The Radiant Incandescence of Blazing Bliss

The Radiant Incandescence of Blazing Bliss is the second Alchemical Procedure taught in the Body Mandala Yoga Research Project and its aim is to discover, awaken and increase the Fire-Mother Blissful Essence of the Subtle Vajra Body.

The essences or “Tigles” are the specialty of Vajrayana Highest Yoga Tantra Inner Alchemy and are the root of the work in the Body Mandala Research Project.

The experience of the essences has various degree of intensity and stability: it pertains to experiences of warmth, pleasure, orgasm, joy, rapture, satisfaction, clarity, non-conceptuality and inner peace.

In this second Alchemical procedure of the Blazing Fire-Mother essence, the practitioner use the psycho-physical experience of metabolic heat to heal and strengthen the physical body, to liberate, express and purify negative emotions and to open the mind into the clarity of the loving heart-space of the innermost nature of being.

In practice, this technique is an Inner Yoga procedure that stimulate the innate warmth of the human body to produce a strong sensation of warm pleasure coming from the lower abdomen spreading trough the entire body via particular energy pathways.

Found especially in Tibetan Tantric Inner Alchemy, this technique challenges the practitioners with the intense luminosity of the heat of a fire that illuminate the shadow part of their psyche: its specialty is the release and transformation of negative emotions such as anger, resentment and craving-desire.

This is an orgasmic, tangible and physical experience of increased heat that ripples in the practitioners’ subtle dimensions and settle them in a joyful, blazing, compassionate and non-conceptual meditative state.

In a safe and sacred space, the module is taught in a retreat of minimum 2 days. The practitioners engage in potent and challenging, yet very simple and accessible yogic exercises and breathwork, practicing by themselves but in a circle as a mandala.

In learning this rare and extremely potent technique, the practitioners expand their inner integration on the more wild aspects of themselves and use the tools learned on the Level 1 module to soothe and balance the intensity of experience that the Fire-Mother essence brings.

The practice of the Fire-Mother Essence pertains particularly to types of inner pleasures and sensations that are generally predominant in non-ejaculatory orgasms, especially in how females experience them. It also pertains with ecstatic feelings linked with anger and fury. Although this essence is predominant in female, it is of course preset in males too. On an advanced level this heat sensation can be used to warm the body in controlled meditation retreats in places with lower temperature, such as mountain hermitages.

This inner sensations are awakened in a controlled way and then spread into the Subtle Vajra Body through a system of subtle energy channels called Chakras.

In Vajrayana Highest Yoga Tantra, different Chakra systems are used in relation of what kind of inner alchemical process the practitioners want to perform.

In this system working with the Fire-Mother Essence or “Inner Fire” or “Chandali” or “Tummo” or “Fierce Lady”, different Chakras perform different functions.

The main chakra used is the “Chakra of Emanation” at the navel, connected with the digestive and metabolic system. To support the feeling of pleasure in the abdomen, the “Secret Chakra” connecting to the genitals is also used.

The pleasurable heat is then spread trough the body via minor chakras found in the joints of the limbs and in the various vertebras. The radiant waves of this heat are especially controlled by the minor chakras located in the soles of the feet and in the palms of the hands.


Alchemical Essences - The Nectar of Clear Bliss


Inner Mandala - The Blissful Certainty of Profound Union