Alchemical Essences

The Nectar of Clear Bliss

The Nectar of Clear Bliss is the first Alchemical Procedure taught in the Body Mandala Yoga Research Project and its aim is to discover, awaken and increase the Water-Father Blissful Essence of the Subtle Vajra Body.

The essences or “Tigles” are the specialty of Vajrayana Highest Yoga Tantra Inner Alchemy and are the root of the work in the Body Mandala Research Project.

The experience of the essences has various degree of intensity and stability: it pertains to experiences of warmth, pleasure, orgasm, joy, rapture, satisfaction, clarity, non-conceptuality and inner peace.

In this first Alchemical procedure of the nectary Water-Father Essence, the psycho-physical experience of pleasure is de-conceptualized and used as a tool to heal and nourish the physical body, to soothe and stabilize the emotional landscape and to open the mind into the loving heart-space of the innermost nature of being.

In practice, this technique is an Inner Yoga procedure that stimulate the human body to produce a strong sensation of juicy and nectary pleasure coming from the root of the palate, spreading through the entire body via particular energy pathways.

Found in ancient Indian and especially Tibetan Tantric Inner Alchemy, this technique truly awakens the practitioners’ subtle energy system in a safe and watery way.

This is an orgasmic, tangible and physical experience that ripples in the practitioners’ subtle dimensions and settle them in a deep meditative state.

In a safe and sacred space, the module is taught in a retreat of minimum 2 days. The practitioners engage in gentle, yet potent yogic exercises and breathwork, practicing by themselves but in a circle as a mandala.

In learning this rare and extremely potent technique, the practitioners fully empower themselves and they receive the tools to embark in more advanced Inner Alchemy Procedures.

The practice of the Water-Father Essence pertains particularly to types of inner pleasures and sensations that are generally predominant in ejaculatory orgasms, especially in how males experience them. Although this essence is predominant in males, it is of course preset in females too. On an advanced level this nectary sensation can be used as food substitute to energize and sustain the body during controlled fasting meditation retreats.

This inner sensations are awakened in a controlled way and then spread into the Subtle Vajra Body thorugh a system of subtle energy clusters of channels called Chakras.

The Chakra system in the Vajrayana Highest Yoga Tantra is fundamentally different than the 7 Chakra system popularized in the West. In Vajrayana, different Chakra systems are used in relation of what kind of inner alchemical process the practitioners want to perform.

In this system working with the Water-Father Essence or “Inner Nectar” or “Amrita”, the Essence is spread vertically from up to down. When this pleasures arrive in different clusters of channels, they induce different kind of blisses, that pertain to different dimensions of the practitioners.

The “Great Bliss Chakra” located in the brain and pineal gland, and the “Supporting Great Bliss Chakra” at the genitals are the core of the system and their function is to increase and release the production of hormones and inner chemicals that open a sensation of bliss, orgasm and joy in the practitioners’ experience.

The “Enjoyment Chakra” connecting to the throat, mouth and tongue has the function to spread this bliss into the emotional dimension and, by deconceptualizing the sensation of pleasure, it soothes and brings satisfaction into the practitioners’ emotional landscape.

The “Chakra of Truth” in the chest, connecting to the heart, has the function to open into the mind dimension, uncovering the blissful truth of self-knowledge and to induce spiritual realization.

The “Chakra of Emanation” at the navel, connecting with the digestive and metabolic system, has the function to spread the bliss into the physical body, creating natural painkillers and stimulating physical health.


Inner Channels and Currents - New Workshop


Alchemical Essences - The radiant Incandescence of Blazing Bliss