The 5 Forces


an Online Tsa Lung Course in 5 Sessions

1 - The Life Supporting Wind

Heart Chakra

Lapislazzuli Blue Light

Space Element

Vijnana Skandha

Wisdom of the space of reality

2 - The Downward Moving Wind

Sexual Chakra

Emerald Green Light

Wind Element

Samskara Skandha

All Accomplishing Wisdom

3 - The Upward Moving Wind

Throat Chakra

Ruby Red Light

Fire Element

Samjna Skandha

Wisdom of Discernment

4 - The Pervasive Wind

Head Chakra

White Light

Water Element

Vedana Skandha

Mirror Like Wisdom

5 - The Wind that flows with fire

Navel Chakra

Golden Yellow Light

Earth Element

Rupa Skandha

Wisdom of Equality

“In the absence of the body where is there bliss, for without the body it is not possible to speak about bliss. The world is pervaded by bliss, the world and bliss being mutually dependent.”

— the Hevajra Tantra