The 5 Forces
an Online Tsa Lung Course in 5 Sessions
The 5 Forces is an Online Tsa-Lung Course
5 Sessions of 2:30 Hours
The 5 Forces are the 5 Main Winds of our Vajra Body.
These are the 5 main components of our Subtle Body and they govern different physiological, emotional, and perceptional realities.
the command center.
Learning how to identify, harmonize and increase this 5 Forces, in this course we will obtain tools and resources to achieve brilliant health, emotional balance, clear perception of reality and spiritual realization.
Tsa-Lung: channels and winds.
In Vajrayana Inner Yoga, the practice of Channels and Wind specialize in dealing with internal energy pressure, guiding and opening energy and spiritual channels trough breathwok, movements, self massage and visualization.
Mastery of this practice bestow more skilled control in the practice of the Tigle or Essences: the Inner Alchemy of Vajrayana.
5 Gateways.
The 5 Winds are controlled by the 5 Main Chakras of the Vajra Body.
On A physical levels by opening and energizing this 5 Forces we bring energy to our 5 main physical organs and we stabilize our 5 elements.
Accessing this portals trough this powerful exercises we can set up our awareness to easily meditate on subtle aspect of our reality such as:
the 5 Skhandas
the 5 Senses
the 5 Elements
the 5 Wisdoms
an auspicious occasion.
Join this course, coming from more than a decade of research and practice from different lineages of Esoteric Buddhism, both Vajrayana and Bon.
The recordings are available and there will be for a year after purchase.
cost 108 Euro
The participants will have the opportunity to join a telegram group for who want to continue to practice to share experiences and further guidance.
a modern vision.
Vajra Seba, the visionary director of the Body Mandala Yoga Project, is a full time Tantric Yogi with more than 10 years of training and experience in inner energy yogas, kundalini methods and Vajrayana. His ability and devotion to deliver yogic experiences makes workshop and retreats with him a blissful guided journey, bringing ancient and precious keys for awakening into our day to day life.
The Body Mandala Yoga Research Project brings an amazing opportunity to engage in rarely transmitted tantric methods in an effective and modern way.